What telescope should I buy? What kinds of problems will I encounter? Who can help with my entry into the hobby?
Review of the ZWO ASI2600MC-Pro astrophotography camera
A new year, new mount, new camera, new scope.
Imaging with the William Optics RedCat 51, achieving great images with beginner equipment
Upgraded to the Pegasus Astro Ultimate Powerbox V2
The tale of the Cocoon Nebula in three images.
The RedCat 51 has reached its final form
William Optics RedCat 51
Mac Observatory is on Instagram!
Using Astro Pixel Processor to calibrate and integrate multiple imaging sessions
Breathing new life into M101
Imaging Star Clusters with the AT6RC and the ZWO ASI071MC-Pro
I spent a few nights this week trying out my color camera, the ZWO ASI071MC-Pro on the AT6RC. I really love the pixel scale achieved here with the combination. It provides very nice resolution and a moderate field of view. I managed to divide my time between the two clusters. Four hours or so on M53 and about two hours on M13. I honestly wish I had a few more hours on M13, as there are a lot more stars to bring out that are quite dim around the edge of the cluster.
Both images were stacked, integrated, calibrated, light pollution removed, and color corrected with Astro Pixel Processor. I then took them into PixInsight for denoise, stretching, and color saturation.
Imaging M51 Whirlpool Galaxy with the ZWO ASI071MC-Pro
First light with the EdgeHD 11"
AstroPixel Processor 1.072 Released
The latest version of Astro Pixel Processor has been released.
Lots of support for Sony cameras has been added.
Improved Drizzle/Bayer Drizzle.
Lots of changes and improvements to
Image EXIF data,
console panel
progress monitors
Improved loading for frames
fixed some memory issues
dynamic distortion correction.
Improved star analysis
GUI frame panel scrolling
Head over to the APP website to get the latest version. Take a look at the full update notes here.
KStars/EKOS 3.1 is released!
An update to my current favorite imaging platform has been released. In this release there’s a bunch of 3.0 fixes as well as a hand full of new features.
Fixes to the scheduler to cover some multi-object multi-night scheduling.
Ring-field focusing, an improvement to star selection methods for focusing.
Updates to the meridian flip code.
Huge updates to the official documentation.
Polar alignment routines for non-GOTO mounts.
Live view for DSLR’s so you can now focus easier.
A host of other random fixes and improvements.
Get the updated file at the Kstars download site.
Quick note for Mac users: there’s a bug with offline plate solving in this release, and is expected to be fixed soon.