The RedCat 51 has reached its final form


I’ve finally finished getting all the pieces together for this little scope. Pictured here is the William Optics RedCat 51 refractor telescope, Celestron CGX mount, ZWO ASI1600MM-C main camera, ZWO ASI120MM Mini guide camera, ZWO Mini Guide Scope, ZWO 8-slot electronic filter wheel with LRGB and 5nm narrowband Astrodon filters, Moonlite focuser, Baader Sky Surfer V red dot finder, and some dew heaters from AstroZap.

Now that everything has been put together I’ve managed to grab some imaging time on quite a few clear nights.

The SADR star region. That’s Sadr in the middle. I shot this as one hour of RGB on my ZWO ASI071MC-Pro camera, then managed to get a second night where I added 4 hours of Hydrogen Alpha data using the ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera. I then processed and com…

The SADR star region. That’s Sadr in the middle. I shot this as one hour of RGB on my ZWO ASI071MC-Pro camera, then managed to get a second night where I added 4 hours of Hydrogen Alpha data using the ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera. I then processed and combined the RGB data, and replaced the red channel with the HA data from the other camera. Then I cropped the final frame to the size of the smaller camera.

This is the North American Nebula (NGC 7000) along with the Pelican Nebula (IC1050). I captured this over 4-5 nights for a total of about 16 hours. It’s All narrowband, Hydrogen Alpha, Oxygen III, and Nitrogen II.

This is the North American Nebula (NGC 7000) along with the Pelican Nebula (IC1050). I captured this over 4-5 nights for a total of about 16 hours. It’s All narrowband, Hydrogen Alpha, Oxygen III, and Nitrogen II.

The Veil Nebula, which is a supernova remnant. Its circular shape is the expanding gas from a star’s explosion. Pretty cool. This was a quick shot, just three hours each of Hydrogen Alpha and Oxygen III filters.

The Veil Nebula, which is a supernova remnant. Its circular shape is the expanding gas from a star’s explosion. Pretty cool. This was a quick shot, just three hours each of Hydrogen Alpha and Oxygen III filters.