Cone Nebula: NGC 2264

Rosette Nebula: NGC 2239

NGC 1560

NGC 2403 Intermediate Spiral Galaxy

Hind's Variable Nebula: NGC 1555

vdB 31

NGC 1788

The Boogeyman: LDN 1622

vdB 29

IC 2087

Soul Nebula: Westerhout 5

The Seven Sisters M45

vdB 16



Heart Nebula


Horse Head Nebula

Helix Nebula

IC 2070

SH2-200 / PK138+04.1

PK 136 4.1 & PK 136 5.1


vdB 6

vdB 1

vdB 14 & 15

vdB 154


NGC 281


NGC 7640

vdB 2

IC 63, vdB 5

vdB 4

vdB 7-8-9

vdB 152


Wolf-Rayet 134

NGC 7129

Messier 74

NGC 5907 with local galaxy group

The Hidden Galaxy: IC 342

Cave Nebula: SH2-155

Barnard's Galaxy NGC 6822



IC 5146

IC 1396

IC 4685

NGC 7331: Stephan's Quintet

M8 & M20

IC 4954

Fireworks Galaxy

Iris Nebula

LDN 1158

Venus - 3/25/2023

Moon - 3/25/2023

Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF) - 1/27/2023

NGC 1491

Moon/Mars Opposition

Soul Nebula

NGC 678, NGC 697, NGC 691

M33: Triangulum Galaxy

PK 136 4.1 and PK 136 5.1


Heart & Soul Nebula Mosaic

M45: Subaru

Triangulum Galaxy

Andromeda Galaxy

Gamma Cassiopeiae

IC1590: Pacman Nebula

IC5146: Cocoon wide field

SH2-154 & SH2-155

Lobster & Bubble Nebula

The Lion: SH2-132

Jupiter/Europa Transit - 9/16/2022

The Bat and Squid: SH2-129

The Gamma Cygni Nebula

IC5070: The Pelican Nebula

NGC7000 - North American Nebula

The Veil Nebula

From the Crescent to the Tulip

SH2-115, 112, 116

Simeis 57: The Propeller Nebula

Lunar Eclipse: May 2022


M64: Black Eye Galaxy

NGC 4236

NGC 3184

SH2-240: Spaghetti Nebula

SH2-274: Medusa Nebula

IC 417: The Spider

NGC 2403, Caldwell 7


IC 342: The Hidden Galaxy

NGC 891 & Able 346 Galaxy Cluster


NGC 672 & IC1727

Messier 33: The Triangulum Galaxy

IC 1795: Fish Head Nebula

SH2-150: The Little Rosette

The Wizard Nebula: NGC 7380

SH2-155: The Cave Nebula

NGC 289: Pac Man Nebula

LBN 583

The SADR region

SH2-132: Lion Nebula


SH2-115, SH2-112, SH2-116

IC 5070: The Pelican Nebula

SH2-101: Tulip Nebula

NGC 7000: Cygnus Wall

IC 5070: Pelican Nebula

IC 1396: Elephant Trunk Nebula


M27: Dumbbell Nebula

M13: The Hercules Globular Cluster

M 81, M 82, NGC 3077

NGC 2264: The Cone Nebula

SH2-261: Lower's Nebula

SH2-235, 231, 232, 233

IC417: The Spider and the Fly

IC 405: Flaming Star nebula

LBN 576 & NGC 7788

IC 443: The Jellyfish Nebula

IC 410: Twin Tadpoles

M45: The Seven Sisters

NGC 884, NGC 889 - Double Cluster

M42: The Orion Nebula (with a little Horse Head)

IC 2118: The Witch Head Nebula

NGC 7023: Iris Nebula

Constellation Auriga nebula group

M31: Andromeda Galaxy

IC 63: The Ghost of Cassiopeia

M33: The Triangulum Galaxy

IC1805: The Heart Nebula

M45: The Pleiades

NGC 7331

IC 1871: Heart of the Soul Nebula

NGC 7662: The Blue Snowball Planetary Nebula
Image details

The Moon at Dawn

Mars: Opposition 2020

SH2-157, M52, SH2-162, SH2-161, NGC 7635, NGC 7638, NGC 7510, IC 1470

SH2-171 Widefield

M31: Andromeda


Melotte 15

NGC 7635: Bubble Nebula

NGC 6888: Crescent Nebula (HOO)

NGC 6888: Crescent Nebula (SHO)

NGC 7380: The Wizard Nebula

NGC 7789: Caroline's Rose

M13: Hercules Cluster

Sharpless 2-129: Flying Bat Nebula

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex

M63: The Sunflower Galaxy

NGC 3953 & NGC 3917

NGC 4244: Silver Needle Galaxy

NGC 5866: The Spindle Galaxy

NGC 2419 - Intergalactic Wanderer


Copernicus Crater - Moon

NGC 3079

NGC 2905

M1: Crab Nebula


NGC 2403

NGC 3184

NGC 891

IC 1871: Soul Nebula

NGC 1499: California Nebula

IC 1805: Heart Nebula

NGC 7640

NGC 7331 & Stephan's Quintet

Butterfly Nebula

Crescent Nebula Widefield

M31: Andromeda

Sh2-101: The Tulip Nebula

Sh2-101: The Tulip Nebula

IC 5146: The Cocoon Nebula

IC 4955 and IC 4954

NGC 6811

The Veil Nebula: supernova remnant

NGC 7000 & IC5070 - North American Nebula & Pelican Nebula

Sadr Region - RGB-Ha

Sadr Region

IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula

NGC 6946: Fireworks Galaxy


IC 5070 - The Pelican Nebula

Draco Dwarf Galaxy

Moon - Waxing Gibbous

NGC 5033

M101: Pinwheel Galaxy


M101: Pinwheel Galaxy

M13: Great Cluster in Hercules

M53: small globular cluster

M51: Whirlpool Galaxy

IC 417, NGC 1907, NGC 1931

NGC 6888: Crescent Nebula

M94: Face on spiral galaxy

M38: open cluster

NGC 2174: Monkey Head Nebula

Double Cluster (Wide Field)

IC 405: The Flame Nebula

M45: The Pleiades

M106, NGC 4258, NGC 4248, NGC 4220, NGC 4217

IC 410

IC 417

Moon - 13 Panel Mosaic


NGC 891

NGC 884 & NGC 869 - Double cluster

M33 - Triangulum galaxy

NGC 281 - Pacman Nebula

NGC 7654 - The Bubble Nebula
Image details

NGC 6960 - The Veil Nebula

NGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula

NGC 7000 - North American Nebula

IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula

Jupiter - Celestron C5

Moon - Celestron C5

Moon - Celestron C5

Moon - Celestron C5

Moon - Celestron C5

Moon - Celestron C5

Venus - Celestron C5




IC1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula
Alternate Palette

IC5070 - Pelican Nebula

M65, M66, & NGC 3628 - The Leo Triplet


M63 - Sunflower Galaxy

M101 - The Pinwheel Galaxy

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy

M35 - Open Cluster

The Orion Nebula - M42

Moon - Waning Gibbous




M81 & M82 - Bode's Galaxy and the Cigar Galaxy

Markarians Chain

IC1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula